The No Bill™ Fair Use Policy

Everything you need to know about the No Bill™ Fair Use Policy

When you signed up to Reposit No Bill™ you agreed to an annual baseline, based on your consumption history and accepted future energy usage. Your baseline refers to the total you used as listed on your past energy bills - before the extra 20% bonus Reposit provides.

Your baseline is calculated as an annual figure, in kilowatt-hours (kWh). Your Sales Consultant determines your precise baseline through consulting with you about your past energy bills and accepted future energy usage. If you indicated you were interested in upgrading to electric appliances or an electric vehicle, this would have been considered as well.

Your No Bill™ system has therefore been tailored to your home to let you use 120% of your past energy usage (your baseline plus the extra 20%), this is what makes up your total Fair Use Cap (Cap).

Your household usage is measured by your Reposit Controller and is made up of all energy usage in your home from solar, your battery, and the grid. 

Your total Cap for each month is measured as 100% including your additional 20% bonus. If you exceed 100% of your Cap for a given month you might receive a strike.

How does this work on a month-by-month basis?

This Cap is allocated throughout the year in "seasonalised usage" unique to your home. We do this because we know everyone uses energy differently in their own home, depending on the time of year. Seasonalising your Cap and this is our way of acknowledging those differences.

What happens if I exceed my monthly allowance?

Exceeding your Cap means that your electricity consumption has increased beyond the agreed, calculated allowance as outlined above (including the bonus 20%). 

If you exceed your Cap for a month it may result in you receiving a strike. If you receive three strikes within the three years you may be removed from No Bill.

This is the process we undergo internally to determine if you should receive a strike:

  1. Communications are sent to you via email as you are approaching, and when you reach 100% of your Cap.

  2. If you exceed 100% of your Cap our team of Analysts will determine whether your Seasonal Profile needs to be updated. For example, you may use more energy in Summer than you do in Winter and your seasonal profile reflects the opposite.

  3. If we can adjust your seasonal profile, we will. If we cannot adjust your seasonal profile, you might receive a strike. We will notify you of either outcome via email.

  4. If you receive a strike, we might also contact you via phone to discuss your consumption with you. If this is your third strike in three years, you will be removed from No Bill.

How is usage calculated?

Your household usage is measured by your Reposit Controller and is made up of all energy usage in your home from solar, your battery, and the grid.

The No Bill™ App

You can track your usage at any time from the No Bill™ App. For information about the No Bill App, please see our Guide.