Reposit installed at a property we moved

Moved into a property that has Reposit installed, what should I do?

You will need to submit the following details, so we can register you as a Reposit customer and provide access to the Reposit system at the property :

  • First and last name 
  • Email 
  • Contact number for the new homeowner
  • Valid document proof of ownership/occupancy: Copy of the retail contract with your energy provider/electricity bill etc.

Feel free to ring us on 1800 773 851 between 9 AM to 5 PM on weekdays or send an email to if you have any queries.

I've sent an email with my details, when do I get access to the Reposit App?

We will be registering you as a customer once we got all the required information. You will receive a welcome email from Reposit and the Reposit T&Cs.

The next steps would be after you've accepted the T&Cs, to get the Reposit controller back online on your home internet. Our support team will walk through the process depending on the connection type wired or Wifi. Call us at your convenient time on the support line 1800 773 851 between 9 AM to 5 PM on weekdays to help reconnect the Reposit to your home internet.

We will then issue the login credentials for you Reposit App.